Root canal treatment is carried out when the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth become infected due to dental decay (caries). If left untreated, these teeth can cause further pain, spread of infection and tooth loss.

why you may need a root canal:

  • To remove any infected or dead nerves and blood vessels

  • Broken or chipped tooth exposing the nerves and blood vessels

  • Dental pain associated with the nerves in a tooth.

benefits of a root canal:

  • Removes infected nerves inside the tooth

  • Attempt to save a damaged or decayed tooth that would otherwise be removed

  • Resolving dental pain from the associated nerve

  • Pain-free procedure performed routinely

  • The following symptoms may indicate the need for root canal treatment:

    • Sharp, shooting pain

    • Constant dull ache

    • Pain which keeps you up at night

    • Facial swelling or dental abscess

    • Discharging pus in the gums with bad taste/breath

    Our clinicians can examine the extent of the infection by taking a dental x-ray of the associated tooth.

  • The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. This will allow for a pain-free procedure.

    Our clinicians are trained and committed to making your treatment as comfortable as possible. Please do not hesitate to voice any concerns with any of our clinicians during your appointment.

  • You will need 2-3 appointments to complete the treatment.

    1. Examination and x-rays

    2. Cleaning, sealing and placement of temporary filling material

    3. Placement of final restoration (filling/crown)

  • Please click here to see our fees for root canal treatment.

    Please be aware these are general prices which may be subject to vary depending on the complexity of your case and which tooth is infected.

    Our clinicians can provide you with a tailored treatment plan estimate during your appointment.